Message from 2NDLIFE

Recently, we see the word SDGs in various scenes.
SDGs is an abbreviation for “Sustainable Development Goals,” which were adopted at the UN Summit in 2015 and set out 17 goals for the world to work towards by 2030, with specific guidelines for eradicating poverty and combating climate change.Currently, the UN-led efforts to achieve the SDGs have become a major global goal. As a fund management company, we are indirectly aiming to achieve the SDGs through PAMM.Until now, the typical means of resolving social issues has been indirect support through donations and NGOs, but by effectively and amicably utilizing a portion of investment returns, we aim to achieve a balance between investment and support. We hope that you will consider the “Supportive PAMM Account” as a new means of asset building.

We will also do our utmost to eliminate blood diamonds in cooperation with various industries.
Please help us in our meaningful activities!

2ND Inc
Marketing Director
Olga Lucis