Our Wish

We are in the midst of a catastrophe on the scale of the biggest Armageddon of the century. We are in the midst of the biggest Armageddon of the century, a catastrophe that is restricting our behavior and making it impossible to have the stable relationships that we had in the past. The framework of the state can easily fail in poor countries. Even in developed countries, the financial situation is becoming so tense that the only way to recover is to impose harsh taxes for the next few decades. Furthermore, if we go to war, we may go into a global shock phase, resulting in a global financial collapse that will be difficult to recover from. I’m not exaggerating. This is the crisis we are facing right now.
We have to take care of our own lives. We have the means to do that here. There is a saying that a pinch is an opportunity. We have to turn this shock into the best opportunity we can. We must turn this unprecedented catastrophe into the greatest opportunity of this century.
It is our mission to spread the word.
We will use part of the profits from this project to promote employment in poor countries and to support children’s education. Currently, the number of children who cannot go to school, even compulsory education, is increasing dramatically. This is an urgent support project. Please lend us a hand. Give us a hand.

Terms and Conditions

Preventing Money Laundering


1. Definition of money laundering

Modern society currently faces a serious challenge in preventing money laundering, e.g. making the
possession, use, or disposal of money or other property obtained from criminal activities appear to be
legal, and terrorism financing – providing or gathering money or rendering financial services with the
knowledge that the money is intended to finance the organization, preparation for, or execution of terrorist
acts or to support a criminal society (criminal organization) created or being created to perform terrorist

Individuals and legal entities whose income is earned illegally make various attempts to legalize their
income. For example, they may use other people’s personal data, including data that has been acquired
fraudulently. This may become a problem for people who become victims of fraud and are uninvolved in
these parties’ criminal activities. Continue reading “Terms and Conditions”