Lab Diamonds

In 2013, a civil war broke out in the Central African Republic, with both sides fighting over the country’s diamond resources, killing thousands of people and displacing more than a million. Previous diamond-fuelled wars have claimed the lives of around 3.7 million people.The mining of natural diamonds destroys nature, causes wars and takes precious lives! Natural diamonds are also known as war diamonds.
“Blood Diamond”, the film starring DiCaprio, is a shocking and controversial film that shines a light on the dark side of the diamond industry.Lab Diamonds are the only true conflict-free diamonds.2018

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Message from 2NDLIFE

Recently, we see the word SDGs in various scenes.
SDGs is an abbreviation for “Sustainable Development Goals,” which were adopted at the UN Summit in 2015 and set out 17 goals for the world to work towards by 2030, with specific guidelines for eradicating poverty and combating climate change.Currently, the UN-led efforts to achieve the SDGs have become a major global goal. As a fund management company, we are indirectly aiming to achieve the SDGs through PAMM.Until now, the typical means of resolving social issues has been indirect support through donations and NGOs, but by effectively and amicably utilizing a portion of investment returns, we aim to achieve a balance between investment and support. We hope that you will consider the “Supportive PAMM Account” as a new means of asset building.

We will also do our utmost to eliminate blood diamonds in cooperation with various industries.
Please help us in our meaningful activities!

2ND Inc
Marketing Director
Olga Lucis

One Pencil One Eraser

Pencils are disappearing from our lives as information technology becomes more and more widespread in the world.  Now that smartphones and computers have replaced writing utensils and are being used in school classes, pencils have become a part of our daily lives.However, there are still many countries in the world where the gap in education has not been filled.There are schools in poor countries where writing materials are in short supply.We hope that the pencils will be an opportunity for people to receive a proper and continuous education.We are running the “One Pencil” campaign.We are sending a portion of the proceeds directly to schools in impoverished areas.
Please help us

Our Wish

We are in the midst of a catastrophe on the scale of the biggest Armageddon of the century. We are in the midst of the biggest Armageddon of the century, a catastrophe that is restricting our behavior and making it impossible to have the stable relationships that we had in the past. The framework of the state can easily fail in poor countries. Even in developed countries, the financial situation is becoming so tense that the only way to recover is to impose harsh taxes for the next few decades. Furthermore, if we go to war, we may go into a global shock phase, resulting in a global financial collapse that will be difficult to recover from. I’m not exaggerating. This is the crisis we are facing right now.
We have to take care of our own lives. We have the means to do that here. There is a saying that a pinch is an opportunity. We have to turn this shock into the best opportunity we can. We must turn this unprecedented catastrophe into the greatest opportunity of this century.
It is our mission to spread the word.
We will use part of the profits from this project to promote employment in poor countries and to support children’s education. Currently, the number of children who cannot go to school, even compulsory education, is increasing dramatically. This is an urgent support project. Please lend us a hand. Give us a hand.

What is 2ND Life?

Covid-19 has plunged the world into an unprecedented catastrophe. We are living in an unpredictable and uncertain world. Faced with a virtual economic blockade, not only individuals, but also large corporations and even nations are facing a crisis of survival. In the midst of this crisis, major powers are fighting for supremacy, and the world is now facing a situation where war may break out at any moment. Some of the major powers are steadily preparing for war to take advantage of the threat posed by the virus. The most important thing now is for each and every one of us to look to the future and be prepared for the next crisis that is looming, regardless of the nation or the existing framework

Management Team

We are based in an offshore financial center to give you the freedom to move around the world, build your wealth, and protect your personal assets from any framework or organization. We are based in the Seychelles, the famous offshore country, for no other reason than the fact that we are registered offshore. The mother company takes full advantage of the Offshore status and guards the clients’ assets thoroughly. That is the most important role.

Let’s work together with our organization to implement asset building in a short period of time.