Lab Diamonds

In 2013, a civil war broke out in the Central African Republic, with both sides fighting over the country’s diamond resources, killing thousands of people and displacing more than a million. Previous diamond-fuelled wars have claimed the lives of around 3.7 million people.The mining of natural diamonds destroys nature, causes wars and takes precious lives! Natural diamonds are also known as war diamonds.
“Blood Diamond”, the film starring DiCaprio, is a shocking and controversial film that shines a light on the dark side of the diamond industry.Lab Diamonds are the only true conflict-free diamonds.2018

DeBeers has shocked the industry with the launch of its own lab diamond jewellery brand, LightBox. The world’s largest diamond company is also involved in lab diamonds, and now lab diamonds are set to replace natural diamonds. We are grateful to God for creating our beautiful world, we respect all living beings, we repay God with love and we resolve all hatred with love. That is why we strongly advise you to buy a lab diamond.

Lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds have the same composition
Natural diamonds are formed deep in the earth, whereas laboratory diamonds are formed above ground (in the laboratory). They have exactly the same composition and characteristics and even diamond testers cannot tell the difference.No longer do you have to pay extra to get a natural diamond.It is completely different from imitation or similar stones such as moissanite or cubic zirconia.The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) & the diamond certification company GlA have issued the following statement regarding the Lab Diamonds”From a physical, chemical and optical point of view, lab diamonds are It’s a real diamond, just like the one it was mined from.”

DiCaprio is also a lab diamond

While he has yet to be spotted wearing lab-grown diamonds, Leonardo DiCaprio has become one of the biggest investors in the synthetic jewellery industry. After starring in the film Blood Diamond in 2006, a fictional thriller about the dangers of the diamond mining industry, DiCaprio became a vocal advocate In 2015, he invested in Diamond Foundry Inc. , a San Francisco-based company that uses solar technology to produce lab-grown diamonds. In 2015, he invested in Diamond Foundry Inc.

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