2nd Life https://secretserver.biz For underprivileged children Mon, 06 Sep 2021 23:07:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.1 https://secretserver.biz/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/cropped-2ndlifesmall-1-32x32.png 2nd Life https://secretserver.biz 32 32 Lab Diamonds https://secretserver.biz/2021/09/02/lab-diamonds/ https://secretserver.biz/2021/09/02/lab-diamonds/#respond Thu, 02 Sep 2021 10:30:51 +0000 https://secretserver.biz/?p=5959 Continue reading "Lab Diamonds"

In 2013, a civil war broke out in the Central African Republic, with both sides fighting over the country’s diamond resources, killing thousands of people and displacing more than a million. Previous diamond-fuelled wars have claimed the lives of around 3.7 million people.The mining of natural diamonds destroys nature, causes wars and takes precious lives! Natural diamonds are also known as war diamonds.
“Blood Diamond”, the film starring DiCaprio, is a shocking and controversial film that shines a light on the dark side of the diamond industry.Lab Diamonds are the only true conflict-free diamonds.2018

DeBeers has shocked the industry with the launch of its own lab diamond jewellery brand, LightBox. The world’s largest diamond company is also involved in lab diamonds, and now lab diamonds are set to replace natural diamonds. We are grateful to God for creating our beautiful world, we respect all living beings, we repay God with love and we resolve all hatred with love. That is why we strongly advise you to buy a lab diamond.

Lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds have the same composition
Natural diamonds are formed deep in the earth, whereas laboratory diamonds are formed above ground (in the laboratory). They have exactly the same composition and characteristics and even diamond testers cannot tell the difference.No longer do you have to pay extra to get a natural diamond.It is completely different from imitation or similar stones such as moissanite or cubic zirconia.The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) & the diamond certification company GlA have issued the following statement regarding the Lab Diamonds”From a physical, chemical and optical point of view, lab diamonds are It’s a real diamond, just like the one it was mined from.”

DiCaprio is also a lab diamond

While he has yet to be spotted wearing lab-grown diamonds, Leonardo DiCaprio has become one of the biggest investors in the synthetic jewellery industry. After starring in the film Blood Diamond in 2006, a fictional thriller about the dangers of the diamond mining industry, DiCaprio became a vocal advocate In 2015, he invested in Diamond Foundry Inc. , a San Francisco-based company that uses solar technology to produce lab-grown diamonds. In 2015, he invested in Diamond Foundry Inc.

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OFFSHORE PAMM ACCOUNT https://secretserver.biz/2021/08/31/offshore-pamm-account/ https://secretserver.biz/2021/08/31/offshore-pamm-account/#respond Tue, 31 Aug 2021 14:05:55 +0000 https://secretserver.biz/?p=5922 Continue reading "OFFSHORE PAMM ACCOUNT"


The PAMM Account operated by 2NDCLUB provides customers with non-stop and simple trading, but the system is a complex multi-layered account. However, the system is a complex, multi-layered account.

The software is customized to the extreme for PAMM Account.
It is monitored 24 hours a day by about 20 software programs and is further diversified in terms of risk.

A more secure and fully stabilized system.
Our system is always on the cutting edge.

We constantly analyze the past year’s trends and make upgrades in pursuit of continuous revenue.

The hardware used is also the most advanced system designed from the power supply configuration.

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Message from 2NDLIFE https://secretserver.biz/2021/08/28/message-from-2ndlife/ Sat, 28 Aug 2021 14:01:07 +0000 https://secretserver.biz/?p=5745 Continue reading "Message from 2NDLIFE"


Recently, we see the word SDGs in various scenes.
SDGs is an abbreviation for “Sustainable Development Goals,” which were adopted at the UN Summit in 2015 and set out 17 goals for the world to work towards by 2030, with specific guidelines for eradicating poverty and combating climate change.Currently, the UN-led efforts to achieve the SDGs have become a major global goal. As a fund management company, we are indirectly aiming to achieve the SDGs through PAMM.Until now, the typical means of resolving social issues has been indirect support through donations and NGOs, but by effectively and amicably utilizing a portion of investment returns, we aim to achieve a balance between investment and support. We hope that you will consider the “Supportive PAMM Account” as a new means of asset building.

We will also do our utmost to eliminate blood diamonds in cooperation with various industries.
Please help us in our meaningful activities!

2ND Inc
Marketing Director
Olga Lucis

One Pencil One Eraser https://secretserver.biz/2021/08/22/our-wish/ https://secretserver.biz/2021/08/22/our-wish/#respond Sun, 22 Aug 2021 15:31:41 +0000 https://secretserver.biz/?p=5574 Continue reading "One Pencil One Eraser"


Pencils are disappearing from our lives as information technology becomes more and more widespread in the world.  Now that smartphones and computers have replaced writing utensils and are being used in school classes, pencils have become a part of our daily lives.However, there are still many countries in the world where the gap in education has not been filled.There are schools in poor countries where writing materials are in short supply.We hope that the pencils will be an opportunity for people to receive a proper and continuous education.We are running the “One Pencil” campaign.We are sending a portion of the proceeds directly to schools in impoverished areas.
Please help us

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Our Wish https://secretserver.biz/2021/08/22/wish/ https://secretserver.biz/2021/08/22/wish/#respond Sun, 22 Aug 2021 12:08:46 +0000 https://secretserver.biz/?p=5551 Continue reading "Our Wish"


We are in the midst of a catastrophe on the scale of the biggest Armageddon of the century. We are in the midst of the biggest Armageddon of the century, a catastrophe that is restricting our behavior and making it impossible to have the stable relationships that we had in the past. The framework of the state can easily fail in poor countries. Even in developed countries, the financial situation is becoming so tense that the only way to recover is to impose harsh taxes for the next few decades. Furthermore, if we go to war, we may go into a global shock phase, resulting in a global financial collapse that will be difficult to recover from. I’m not exaggerating. This is the crisis we are facing right now.
We have to take care of our own lives. We have the means to do that here. There is a saying that a pinch is an opportunity. We have to turn this shock into the best opportunity we can. We must turn this unprecedented catastrophe into the greatest opportunity of this century.
It is our mission to spread the word.
We will use part of the profits from this project to promote employment in poor countries and to support children’s education. Currently, the number of children who cannot go to school, even compulsory education, is increasing dramatically. This is an urgent support project. Please lend us a hand. Give us a hand.

https://secretserver.biz/2021/08/22/wish/feed/ 0
What is 2ND Life? https://secretserver.biz/2020/11/26/wordpress/ Thu, 26 Nov 2020 09:57:26 +0000 https://dev.marketingmindz.com/wpthemes/course/?p=2930 Continue reading "What is 2ND Life?"


Covid-19 has plunged the world into an unprecedented catastrophe. We are living in an unpredictable and uncertain world. Faced with a virtual economic blockade, not only individuals, but also large corporations and even nations are facing a crisis of survival. In the midst of this crisis, major powers are fighting for supremacy, and the world is now facing a situation where war may break out at any moment. Some of the major powers are steadily preparing for war to take advantage of the threat posed by the virus. The most important thing now is for each and every one of us to look to the future and be prepared for the next crisis that is looming, regardless of the nation or the existing framework

Management Team https://secretserver.biz/2020/11/26/magento/ Thu, 26 Nov 2020 09:52:34 +0000 https://dev.marketingmindz.com/wpthemes/course/?p=2927 Continue reading "Management Team"


We are based in an offshore financial center to give you the freedom to move around the world, build your wealth, and protect your personal assets from any framework or organization. We are based in the Seychelles, the famous offshore country, for no other reason than the fact that we are registered offshore. The mother company takes full advantage of the Offshore status and guards the clients’ assets thoroughly. That is the most important role.

Let’s work together with our organization to implement asset building in a short period of time.

Privacy Policy https://secretserver.biz/2019/07/02/privacy-policy/ https://secretserver.biz/2019/07/02/privacy-policy/#respond Tue, 02 Jul 2019 13:48:29 +0000 https://secretserver.biz/?p=6001 Continue reading "Privacy Policy"

Privacy Agreement

Protecting your privacy and personal and financial data is one of our top priorities at 2NDLIFE. This Agreement contains the rules and purposes for processing 2NDLIFE clients’ personal data as well as the measures we employ to protect this data from unauthorized access by third parties.

1. Collecting personal data

1.1 By registering a Personal Area, you agree to have your personal data processed and specifically consent to the collection, systemization, aggregation, storage, revision (updating, changing), usage, anonymization, blocking, deletion, and distribution (transfer) of said personal data to third parties in accordance with the conditions set forth in this Privacy Agreement.

1.2 We ask you for the data necessary for registering a Personal Area, providing functional service, and using this data if a dispute arises between you and 2NDLIFE. Providing this data is required for client identification and thus allows you to perform various operations in your Personal Area and trading accounts.

1.3 We may also collect data to improve our understanding of your needs and preferences by communicating through Live Chat, conducting brief surveys in your Personal Area on our official website, and communicating with you over the phone. You provide this data to us voluntarily.

1.4 We use the data that you directly provide when communicating.

2. Use of personal data

2.1 We use your personal data to provide secure high-quality service.

2.2 The personal data you provide us with is used to verify contact information and identity. We also use personal data to register Personal Areas, open and configure trading accounts, and issue activation codes and passwords. By providing contact information, you help us improve our services and promptly communicate the availability of additional services, features, and promotions we may be offering.

3. Providing personal data to third parties

3.1 We do not provide your personal data to third parties except in the cases set forth by this Privacy Agreement.

3.2 We reserve the right to provide personal data to third parties if required by law or if we receive formal requests from law enforcement and other government agencies.

3.3 We may also provide your personal data to tax authorities or organizations that require the data to be provided in order to comply with laws against money laundering and financing terrorism, or when necessary to protect our rights or property. We may pass your personal data on to third party authentication service providers when you use our system to perform identity checks and documents verification – we do this in order to comply with our legal obligations. When transferring your information to third parties, we maintain the confidentiality and security of the information being transferred.

3.4 In order to give you comprehensive, state-of-the-art high-quality service, we may exchange your personal data with our partners. However, the use of your personal data is limited to sharing your account number with one of our partners at their request.

3.5 At your request, we can provide information about the services that our partners provide for us.

4. Limit on liability

4.1 This Privacy Agreement is valid only for our website and does not cover other websites, including but not limited to websites that you go to using links on our website. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of each website whose use involves transferring personal data.

5. Use of cookies

5.1 We use cookies to ensure that our website works effectively and to support your trading activities. Cookies are small text files sent from our web server to your computer. Our cookies do not contain any personal data, account numbers, or passwords.

5.2 We may enlist outside organizations to help us manage the website and collect and analyze statistical data. These outside organizations may install and use their own cookies on our behalf.

6. Commencement and amendment of the Privacy Agreement

6.1 By registering a Personal Area, you agree to and accept all of the provisions set forth in the Privacy Agreement. Communication between you and 2NDLIFE begins as soon as we send you an email confirming your registration on our website. We may also send you information about changes and new services via email or receive emails with your questions and suggestions. This information is not confidential.

6.2 By accepting the conditions of this Privacy Agreement, you agree to allow us to use the information we receive from you via email, including various ideas, methods, marketing designs, and know-how, without incurring any additional obligations. Your personally identifiable data is an exception.

6.3 We may review, store, and delete correspondence from you at our discretion.

6.4 We may analyze your internal messages in order to evaluate the quality of our services.

6.5 Occasionally, we may update the Privacy Agreement and immediately post the new version to our website. We recommend that you periodically read this Agreement in order to always have the latest information concerning how your personal data is processed. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this Agreement, please contact us at

[email protected]

https://secretserver.biz/2019/07/02/privacy-policy/feed/ 0
Terms and Conditions https://secretserver.biz/2019/01/02/terms-and-conditions/ https://secretserver.biz/2019/01/02/terms-and-conditions/#respond Wed, 02 Jan 2019 13:33:11 +0000 https://secretserver.biz/?p=5990 Continue reading "Terms and Conditions"

Preventing Money Laundering


1. Definition of money laundering

Modern society currently faces a serious challenge in preventing money laundering, e.g. making the
possession, use, or disposal of money or other property obtained from criminal activities appear to be
legal, and terrorism financing – providing or gathering money or rendering financial services with the
knowledge that the money is intended to finance the organization, preparation for, or execution of terrorist
acts or to support a criminal society (criminal organization) created or being created to perform terrorist

Individuals and legal entities whose income is earned illegally make various attempts to legalize their
income. For example, they may use other people’s personal data, including data that has been acquired
fraudulently. This may become a problem for people who become victims of fraud and are uninvolved in
these parties’ criminal activities.

2. Laws against money laundering

To prevent money laundering, organizations performing operations with money or other property are
obligated to comply with anti-money laundering laws, verify the identity of clients, and assist government
agencies and financial organizations working to combat money laundering. Exness does everything
required to ensure compliance with laws against money laundering and financing terrorism.

3. Client identity verification procedure

As part of complying with laws on client identification, this procedure is performed during registration,
various types of non-trading operations, and as part of monitoring by our specialists. In order to identify our
clients, Exness Group may ask you for personal data and take steps to confirm the accuracy of this
information using a verification system developed by our specialists. It may take several work days to
complete this process.

4. Compliance with the Privacy Agreement

The personal data we receive is handled in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Agreement.
Please note that the reason for the identification procedure is to comply with laws against money
laundering and financing terrorism, not because we suspect you of committing illegal acts. Accordingly,
your cooperation and understanding of these steps is necessary to effectively combat money laundering
and financing terrorism.
Version: 28 May 2019/001

Terms and Conditions

1. The Company reserves the right to offer various Credit Programs to its Clients from time to time.
TheseCredit Programs may be limited to only certain jurisdictions or countries, specific account types, or based on other criteria.
Thus, you should always refer back to this document, which stipulates the general terms and conditions applicable to all of the Credit Programs offered by the Company, as well as the special conditions and characteristics of certain Credit Programs. The terms Credit(s) or Bonus(es) may be used
interchangeably in both the legal documentation as well as within the interfaces of the Company.

These terms and conditions apply to 2ND Co. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”). (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) and its customers (corporations or individuals) with active trading accounts (hereinafter referred to as “you” or “your”).

2. please read and agree to these terms and conditions carefully before enrolling in any membership program offered by us. These Terms and Conditions may be modified in the same manner as our Customer Agreement which can be found at https://2nd.club/.

3. We offer various types of programs from time to time. Each program has different features, criteria and requirements that you must meet in order to obtain the bonus. We strongly recommend that you carefully read, understand and agree to the features of each program. The programs are not mandatory. Customers may also opt out of this service at any time.

4. The Company reserves the right to determine the list of countries participating in Programs. Thus, not all Programs may be available to some countries and some countries may not have PAMM Account available to them.

5. the decision to grant or deny a bonus to a customer is at the sole discretion of the Company. In certain programs offered by the Company, bonuses are granted to customers in the form of direct deposits to their trading accounts.

6. after the bonus is granted, the client can move it to the PAMM Account in accordance with our Client Agreement. withdrawals from the PAMM Account will be moved to the Cash once.

7.Once the bonus has been granted in the program, the client may use it for registration or withdraw it in accordance with our Client Agreement. The granted bonus can be withdrawn at any time.

8. The Company reserves the right to close the Client’s trades if there are no funds available for withdrawal in the Trading Account.

9. Cash can be moved to PAMM account. The Company will allow the transfer of cash/bonus between trading accounts within the 2ND region.

10. If you have more than one trading account with us, each trading account will be treated separately. Therefore, you can receive a bonus for each trading account, provided that the conditions for receiving the bonus for each trading account are met. The bonus will be granted to a specific trading account that participates in a specific program. 11.

11. The bonus will be calculated and credited in USDT.

12. The bonus may be deducted from your trading account at any time, at our sole discretion and without prior notice to you.

13. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue the program at our sole discretion for any reason and without prior notice to you.

14. The Company reserves the right to cancel All Programs and/or deduct Bonuses that have been granted and/or close the Client’s Account, if the Company believes that the Client abused any of the Company’s offers, breached the Client Agreement, or is in Default as per the Client Agreement.


15. If any part of these Terms and Conditions should be held by any Court of competent jurisdiction and regarded as unenforceable or illegal or in contravention to any rule, regulation or Law of any Market or Regulator, that part shall be deemed to have been excluded from these Terms and Conditions from the beginning, and these Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted and enforced as though the provision had never been included. The legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms and
Conditions or the legality, validity and enforceability of this provision relative to the law and/or regulations of any other jurisdiction, shall not be affected.

Law and Jurisdiction

16. All disputes and controversies arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be finally settled in the same jurisdiction as per the Client Agreement.

17. These Terms and Conditions are governed by the Laws of the same jurisdiction as per the Client Agreement.


18. You may send complaints via [email protected].


40. PAMM Account provides you with non-stop and simple trading. Nevertheless, we advise you to exercise caution when trading with PAMM and warn you that while PAMM Account may be attractive, there is a risk of loss. Your invested funds may incur both profits and losses.

41. These Terms and Conditions are made in English. Any other language translation is provided as a convenience only. In the case of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the original English text and its translation into any other language, as the case may be, the original version shall prevail.

*Please note that the bonus is in USDT, not USD.

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